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Tutankhamon’s blessings. An initiation journey to past lives | Fabiana Mastrangelo

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Title: Tutankhamon’s blessings. An initiation journey to past lives

Author: Fabiana Mastrangelo

Published: 2016

Available on: Ebook (ePUB / MOBI)

Precio digital: U$D4,00.-


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[tabs slidertype=»top tabs»][tabcontainer] [tabtext] Sinopsis[/tabtext][/tabcontainer][tabcontent]


The main character of the work intuits that in the mythical land of Egypt she will find the spiritual treasure announced by symbolic texts.

For the first time she experiences spontaneous regressions

to past lives while contacting historic objects related to Tutankhamon.

She wonders: “What powerful and secret reason is hidden to preserve the treasures and sarcophagus with the mummy of Tutankhamon? Why and who did protect it against  profaners and  leads to its eternal adoration? What is the new message from the spirit that is blessing Mankind with

the discovery of Tutankhamon’s tomb?

These questions are unveiled as the narrative progresses.

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As a historian, Fabiana Mastrangelo takes part of an Argentinean academic-scientific mission that has been held in Luxor, Egypt.

Her stay and research in such legendary country becomes her inspiration source to write this historic novel winner of the prize Scenery of Novel. Among her last works can be cited: Creativity and meaning of life (2011), Thinker of synthesis (2013), Practical spirituality (2014), Human values of Jose de San Martin (2015); Godoy Cruz, a story; and From San Vicente neighbourhood to the town of today (2016). She has been a Correspondent in the scientific magazine Knowledge and Time; Coordinator of Post-Grade Academic Commissions in Human Development; a member in the Santillana publishing team; and a researcher in the Historic Document Centre of the Argentine University of Cuyo. She is secretary of Institutional Relations in the Argentine Writers Society (2016-2019).

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