Información libro
Título: Pedagooogy 3000: a practical guide for teachers, parents and oneself
Autor: Noemi Paymal
Género: Narrativa Testimonial
Palabras clave:
Año publicación: 2013
Formatos disponible: Ebook (epub o mobipocket)
Precio ebook: US$ 2,99
¿Disponible para compra?: Sí
Comprar en: Amazon
[tabs slidertype=»top tabs»] [tabcontainer] [tabtext] Sinopsis[/tabtext] [tabtext] Indice [/tabtext] [/tabcontainer][tabcontent]
[tab]What is happening with education?
Why do so many parents and teachers say they cannot handle the situation?
What kinds of tools do the psycho-pedagogues need for the children of today?
What does the arrival of these gifted children with special abilities mean to all of us?
How to build a new society where Being is more important than Having?
How can we return to our essence?
How to emerge again with nature, Mother Earth and the cosmos?
Are we envisioning the birth of a new humanity?[/tab]
Special thanks
PART I. A new human being is appearing
Chapter 1. Incredible changes in the children and youth of today
Chapter 2. New behaviors, new ways of being
Chapter 3. Some features of the adults of this millennium
Chapter 4. What is happening today in our homes and schools?
PART II. Scientific references for a radical change in education
Chapter 5. The various intelligences of the children of today
Chapter 6. Exploring other forms of learning
PARTE III. Essential transverse resources, pedagogical methods and practical tools
Chapter 7. Essential transverse resources
Chapter 8. Some innovative and practical methods and experiences
Chapter 9. Bio-intelligent tools, essential support for parents and teachers
Chapter 10. Bio-morphic and bio-reconnecting tools
Chapter 11. Ancestral traditions as pedagogical tools
PART IV. Psychic talents in children and babies
Chapter 12. Psychic abilities in children
Chapter 13 How to welcome today´s babies?
PART V. Pedagooogy 3000®
Chapter 14. What does Pedagooogy 3000 consist in?
Bibliography [/tab]
[/tabcontent] [/tabs]
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